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Admiral's Walk
Just Moving In 3/20/2003
April 19, 2003
Almost a Year! March 07, 2004

Admiral's Walk

We didn't expect to be purchasing a home for a few more years.  We had been looking for a long time, and this one came up.  It turned out that if we stretched ourselves a lot, we felt we could go ahead and buy.  This is our house to retire in and we are both very happy living here!

01/27/2003 - We took pictures while the inspector went through the house for four hours.  He found a few minor things and nothing major.  We can go ahead and purchase the house.  Woohoo!!!



3/20/2003 - We finally are moved in and the yard is beautiful!  I took a lot of pictures of how things look today so we can compare in the years to come.

04/19/2003 - The bulbs started blooming.  They bud every morning, open up, then close in the evening.  They are very pretty; white with a purple pattern inside.

03/07/2004 - We have lived here almost a year.  The yard is full of blooms.  This is the festival of flowers we missed at Biltmore, except it's in our own yard!